Monday 13 October 2014

Basic Yoga positions for beginners

Yoga positions for beginners - Many people really understand that they need to keep their body healthy and it means that they have to make physical exercise as part of their routine. However, many of them find difficulty to maintain certain physical exercise as their routine. They tried to go to the gym and take the program offered by fitness trainer but they cannot do this for more than a month because they are bored with the hard work. Maybe they try to jog every morning but many of them can be too busy with their schedule so they forget about their jogging routine. It can be the right time for considering yoga as the physical exercise which can be part of their routine. The movement will not involve too many impacts but they will get great result if they can do the poses properly. Yes, the key for being successful with yoga exercise is doing the poses correctly.

Yoga positions for beginners

Yoga positions for beginners

There are various kinds of yoga poses which can be found and it will not be hard to find super complicated and challenging yoga position. However, if you are a newbie in yoga classes, at least you should start from the very basic yoga positions for beginners. You have to do it correctly and you will find great benefits of physical exercise which is more comfortable for you. The very first pose is called adho mukah svanasana or downward facing dog pose. It can be simple pose but many people make mistake by shifting their body too far forward so it more like plank position. They should copy V position with the weight in legs, high butt, and heels reaching toward floor. It can be resting position if people do it properly. Next, there is tadasana or mountain pose which makes the straight line from head crown to the heels. Pelvis and shoulders should be stacked along the line on the way down.

Virbhadrasana I or warrior I is the position with hips which face forward which is different from the virbhadrasana II or warrior II with the hips face the mat side. The next basic yoga poses which is crucial for beginners is utthita parvakonasana or extended side angle which makes people bring the forearm to the thigh instead of the hand to the floor. There are still several other positions which are crucial for beginners including utthita trikonasana or triangle pose, chakravakasana or cat cow stretch, dandasana or staff pose, baddha konasana or cobbler’s pose, and also balasana or child’s pose.

Basic Yoga positions for beginners Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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