Monday 2 March 2015

Easy Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth is a tooth infection that a tooth has spread to the tip or around the tooth root. This infection comes from the tooth’s inner chamber which contains blood vessels and nerves. If your tooth got infected the tooth lost its ability to fight the infection and bacteria. Usually the bacterial will spread from the pulp chamber and go through the root to the bone. This infection is caused by the dead of blood cells, tissue debris and also the bacteria. Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth is one of the effective ways to cure the tooth problems.

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There are some easy things How to get rid of an abscessed tooth on your own. First, you could use garlic. Garlic is well-known by its ability to kill bacteria. You could make a raw juice of garlic to help you kill the infection. The juice could be made by squeezing and crushing some garlic cove and get the juice from it. Apply it directly in the infected area. This Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth will work like a charm.

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The second Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth is by using tea bag. Tea bag for abscessed tooth is working well as natural home remedy. You could apply the herbal tea bag in the infected are. This kind of remedy will provide an instant relief from the pain that caused by abscessed tooth. You do not need to think the side effect of this remedy because the tea bag has no side effect for your body. You could apply it as often as you need to relief the pain in your tooth.

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The third Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth is salt. Salt is a great home remedy if you want to kill the pain quickly. All what you need is just mix a small amount of salt into a glass of lukewarm water then gargle the water. In the first time you may feel some pain, but then you will feel more relief. You could do it a few times and it will reduce your pain until 90%.

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Besides those Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth it is also important to get the proper treatment because the infection can easily spread to other areas such as neck and jaws which could lead to complication. The infection also affected by the work of your brain and your heart. You could use those remedies to help you kill the pain but you must consult to your dentist if the infection becomes worse.

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